Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication is the way we communicate without saying a word. Our body language signifies how we feel, such as when a person does not want to be bothered, her or she can make a face that would make someone else feel that he or she is mad. A way to improve giving off the wrong impression would be to smile, even when you do not want to.
Oral Communication: Oral communication is another form of communication. Talking is the way a lot of people communicate. Effective communication is a making sure you speak clearly and say what you want so that the other person will know what you want. I do not always say what I want or how I feel in a clear manner, but I am working on communicating in a better way.
Listening: We must all listen effectively. When you do not listen, you miss out on what is going on around you. Whether you are at work, at school, or even at home, you have to learn to listen. Too often times, we make mistakes because we do not listen. Listening is a very important form of communicating.
Writing: The last way we communicate is through writing. When you write in a clear, concise manner, the person reading will be able to understand what you have written. It is also a good thing to have good grammar skills as well. I will always try to write legibly and make sure that I check my writing for spelling and grammar errors.