Teamwork is very essential, whether you are playing sports, in school, and in the workplace. If one cannot cooperate, then there will be an issue. We have all heard that "there is no I in team", and this is true, literally. Teamwork is a group effort, in which, people come together to achieve a goal. It requires cooperation, trust, and communication. Sometimes tempers will flare and ideas will be pitched that not everyone in the group will like, but as a team, you have to come to a compromise. And when a group of people come together to make the effort to achieve a goal, then success is achieved and the reward will be a great one!
This is true, when a group of people, team members come together to make the effort, work together regardless of the disagreements that may arise, compromise, then their teamwork will be beneficial to everyone that's a part of that team.I really like the image with the dogs and cats working together to get the reward.